May 13, 2024
Jungle Island
6:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Thank You to All Who Attended!
About AG亚游集团官方网站艺术品拍卖会
AG亚游集团官方网站爱艺术年度慈善拍卖会 & Public School Alumni Achievement Honoree Celebration is an annual event that highlights the essential role of the visual arts in stimulating creativity and academic success for children.
Enjoy live music, an open bar, an epicurean feast, 竞拍精美的奢侈品和由儿童和艺术老师创作的独一无二的艺术品. All proceeds benefit arts education and The Education Fund 海洋银行教材中心.
Please join us as we honor community leaders who have graduated from our public schools and have achieved great success. 看看公立学校教育能为你做些什么!
Please join us as we honor this year’s community leaders who have graduated from our public schools and have achieved great success.
看看公共教育能为你做些什么! To celebrate our 15th anniversary of the awards, join us as we recognize 15 years of past honorees. 在这里查看之前的获奖者完整名单.
Amazing Teacher and Student Art
100+ 2-D和3-D原创艺术品
请致电305与Marilen Marnett联系.298.9099 or at
Thank You to Our Sponsors*